obtaining permanent residence

Immigrate to Canada
Book an appointment with Francisco Rudas using Setmore

If you are a foreign student who recently graduated in Canada, you likely have the qualities to make a successful transition from temporary to permanent residence. You are familiar with Canadian society and can contribute to the Canadian economy. You should have knowledge of English or French and qualifying work experience.

You may be eligible to apply to stay in Canada permanently under Express Entry

Graduates may also qualify for other immigration programs; the Come to Canada tool is a good resource for those wishing to explore their options to remain in Canada.

Contact us if you would like to have an assessment to check your eligibility to immigrate to Canada.

Immigrate to Canada Canadian Experience Class

We are committed to our clients, providing all the necessary support, and working hand in hand with our partner company WISE WAY CANADA, a company dedicated to providing study abroad services, whether language courses, or help in the search for a professional or technical career or a post-secondary study such as: specializations, masters or doctorates in Canada.

“Study and live in Canada”